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初めまして KENです Hello my friends!

Hello my friends, In this blog I will try to explain to you how an old production coordinator for a movie company (The Bomba Road Show), fell in love with riding his Harley on the open road, and turned his trips to Sturgis, Daytona and across America into a company that is now Jupiter Badlands.
There is nothing like your long hair blowing in the wind as you fly down the road full bore with all that torque between your legs. Out west in the U.S., through winding curves over the Rocky Mountains, endless stretches of road through Idaho ranches, through the desert under a sky with so many stars, they blind you. After a full day of riding under a blazing sun, you pull into a biker bar, meet people who are on the same journey and “talk story”, share your tales of your journey. This is a place for you to share your tales of your journeys and I will try to explain a bit about mine. We are all “brothers in the wind” and we all have a story to share. Ride hard, live hard, love hard, Love life, live your story. Share it here.

It was 1999...

It was late July in the western U.S., So hot that the bank clocks read 40 degrees at 7pm. We decided we'd ride up to Canada to escape the heat. Pictured here is the road north from Spearfish, South Dakota to Miles City Montana. We started out before Sunrise and on our way we watched the sun rise and the full moon set. Deer and Antelope were everywhere. The deer would bound across the early morning road, jumping the barbed wire along the side of the road. The antelope would stand still in groups of 4 or 5, just watching the road, unmoving.
We rode from 5 or 6 in the morning until noon when we finally reached Miles City and filled our empty gas tank from a tanker truck, the only “gas station” for miles around. We drove all morning, for about 6 hours and only passed one or two other vehicles.
A most amazing morning, the two of us, the Harley gurgling between our legs, the sun rising on our right, the full moon setting on our left, the deer and the antelope our only company. The American West in all it's glory.


  アメリカの7月は日本の夏と同じかそれ以上暑く 真昼間 全く日陰のない永遠と続く西部の道を走るのはとても大変です なので僕達は通常 朝 日の出の少 し前に出発し 日が高くなったお昼ごろには ライディングを終了します この日は 右から朝日が昇り同時に左には月が沈んでいくという光景に遭遇した思い 出深いライディングの一つをご紹介します 又 6時間走ってすれ違った車はたったの1-2台、現れるのは沢山の鹿、antelope など野生動物たち。。夢の世界でした。。

6時間走ってガソリンタンクはカラカラ状態、もうすぐガス欠というとこで やっとたどり着いたモ ンタナ州Miles City の ガソリンスタンド、でも通常のガソリンスタンドではなく トラックのタンクローリーでした 何はともあれ。。 とにかくほっとした瞬間でし た  アメリカ西部の素晴らしい映像と共にお楽しみください

(ps:ビデオの日付けはセットミス JAN2&4は間違いです ご了承ください) 

 ★1999年夏スタージスへの道 ビデオはこちらをご覧ください
